Val Marie

Well I just love Grasslands National Park! Dog Towns are the best and I ain't talking Doodles! I couldn't find any Bison but they sure smelled good 🐶. I had a nice dip in the Creek. I can't sent pictures right now but I will.

Medicine Hat

Ringo and I had a lovely walk and swim at Fish Creek this morning. Then it was goodbyes to all in Calgary and off to Medicine Hat. Ringo gave me one of his squeaky balls as a going away present 🐶 To night we are in Medicine Hat. I went for a walk tonight and found a new game, find the gophers. Real...


I sent me second day in Calgary at the dog park and swimming in the Bow River.

Ringo's place

I'm in Calgary at my cousin Ringo's place for a couple of days. I haven't seen him in a couple of years!

Steve's place.

We're staying at Steve the labradoodle's place tonight in Creston.


Met Ranger at the dog park, he was a handsome Shepard husky mix who walked like a wolf.